What're great things about glutathione ?

The benefits of glutathione may include:
1. Antioxidant activity

Free radicals may donate to aging and some diseases. Antioxidants help counteract free radicals and protect the body from their damaging effects.

Glutathione is a very good antioxidant, partly because high concentrations is found in every cell in the body.
2. Preventing cancer progression

Some researchTrusted Source shows that glutathione has a role in preventing the progression of cancer.

However, exactly the same research suggests that glutathione might make tumors less sensitive to chemotherapy, which is a common cancer treatment.

Determining the consequences of glutathione on cancer will require more research.
3. Reducing cell damage in liver disease

Hepatitis, alcohol abuse, and fatty liver disease all damage the cells of the liver.

A tiny 2017 clinical trialTrusted Source concludes that glutathione may help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease because of its antioxidant properties and potential to detoxify.

The researchers remember that larger studies are needed to verify this effect.
4. Improving insulin sensitivity

Insulin resistance can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. The production of insulin causes the human body to maneuver glucose (sugar) from the blood and into cells that utilize it for energy.

A small 2018 studyTrusted Source indicates that folks with insulin resistance are apt to have lower glutathione levels, specially if they've experienced complications, such as for example neuropathy or retinopathy. A 2013 studyTrusted Source reaches similar conclusions.

5. Reducing apparent symptoms of Parkinson's disease

According for some researchTrusted Source, there is evidence that maintaining glutathione levels may assistance with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The findings appear to support injected glutathione as a possible therapy, but there's little evidence about oral supplementation. Further research is essential to aid its use.
6. Reducing ulcerative colitis damage

Like other inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis has been associated with oxidative damage and stress.

A 2003 animal studyTrusted Source implies that glutathione supplementation can improve a number of the harm to the colon in rats.

Determining the consequences of glutathione on ulcerative colitis will need more research in humans.
7. Treating autism spectrum disorders

There's some evidence that children with autism have lower degrees of glutathione than neurotypical children, or those without autism.

In 2011, researchersTrusted Source discovered that oral glutathione supplements or injections might reduce some effects of autism. However, the team did not look specifically at the children's symptoms to see if any had improved, so further research is needed to determine this impact.

For more details check out MaxOne.

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